Keep It Simple: Daily Meditations for Twelve Step Beginnings and Renewal Hazelden Meditations

I looked at other ways I could fulfill my blogging dreams. And, I took a step back from starting my own blog by deciding to “blog” here on Medium. As it turns out, Word Press is easy but not at the same time. I quickly learned I was in way over my head, and I clearly didn’t think the whole blog thing out very well. So, in my very alcoholic way, I decided to scrap the whole idea.

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Their Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) acronym was a way of saying most things work better if made simple instead of complicated. Red-hot romances, poolside fiction, and blockbuster picks, oh my! Start reading the hottest books of the summer. I talked to a couple of my friends about my troubles.

How to Think Like a Philosopher: Scholars, Dreamers and Sages Who Can Teach Us How to Live

But that doesn’t mean I won’t help a newcomer because I still do. I simply choose to meet with them somewhere else. There are actually quite a few things going on with that situation, but for the purposes of deciding to get help and even continue walking the path of recovery, simplicity is an important aspect of making it happen.

  • Even today I have to remember to “keep it simple”.
  • I love to journal, and writing has helped me so much over the years, so I got the idea to start a blog.
  • Show Up and Do Your BestWoody Allen has been quoted saying ,”80% of success is showing up.” Many of us who are in the grips of addiction have a habit of avoiding situations.
  • So, in my very alcoholic way, I decided to scrap the whole idea.
  • You can get a sponsor and he or she will help you with the trials of early sobriety.
  • Leonardo da Vinci is often credited with saying that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Keep It Simple in Addiction Recovery

Certainly, looking at a lifetime without alcohol seems daunting and impossible. But we can make it without a drink for 10 minutes. Before we know it, we’ve gone days, weeks, months without drinking and taking drugs.

More Language of Letting Go: 366 New Daily Meditations

  • If you would like to find out more about our treatment options for you or someone you love, fill out this form and our admissions team will get in touch with you soon.
  • The pressure they put on themselves to get it all handled and do it perfectly, these things actually get in the way of lasting recovery.
  • CompartmentalizeWe’ve all heard the expression,” One Day At A Time,” but what does it really mean?
  • Enjoy features only possible in digital – start reading right away, carry your library with you, adjust the font, create shareable notes and highlights, and more.
  • By remembering this simple slogan I am able to look at the problem in a different way.

Because without that, I tend to complicate my life, never really knowing what direction to head in. How I spend time alone is through prayer, meditation, reading, doing puzzles, coloring, sitting by the water, gardening, or just chilling out in my backyard and observing nature. Stay in realityProlonged drug and alcohol addiction can actually change the way our brain behaves. Our thoughts and emotions get stuck in “fight or flight” mode and we are in constant panic.

In here you’ll find that each of my entries come from the many spiritual inspirations I’ve had throughout life. Of course I talk about many other spiritual experiences in life as well and each week I also try to lighten things up with my Grateful Heart Monday and Silly Joke Friday series. Keep it simple is a phrase often used in the 12-step program. But it doesn’t have to be limited to that approach. Simplicity is helpful no matter what treatment program you are using.

When our brain is in worry mode, we can imagine all kinds of scary scenarios. sober house We can become immersed in fear over the smallest situations. We can keep things simple by staying where we are right now. Worries about the past and the future do not help us in the present. Ask yourself,” do I need this worry right now?

keep it simple recovery

How I Keep It Simple In My Recovery From Addiction

The quotes are inspirational and helpful, with each day’s saying being a page long. The pages focus on one thought, making the book easy to read and follow. We follow in the footsteps of those who are successfully sober. We can find our mentors by going to 12 Step meetings and listening to what people say. Does someone in the room exude confidence and peace?

  • Customers find the book simple and straightforward.
  • Not a good way to get by in life, is it?
  • With membership including rubbies, rummies, pill-poppers, atheists, agnostics and mentally disordered crackpots from all walks of life, it wasn’t exactly a recipe for success.
  • This constant effort to figure out how to change can be exhausting.
  • Yet, somehow, though they didn’t get to see the current version, the baby which Dr. Bob and Bill W.

keep it simple recovery

I’ve also learned that this simple slogan works for a myriad of problems, big or small. I don’t have to be facing a crisis in order to put “Keep it simple” into practice. Everything can be broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks. A few short months ago I faced a challenging task and had to remember “Keep It Simple”. I had been looking for ways to share my experience, strength, and hope with other people, other than just in meetings. I love to journal, and writing has helped me so much over the years, so I got the idea to start a blog.

Leonardo da Vinci is often credited with saying that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

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